I swore I was not going to be one of those mothers who starts sentences (both good and bad) with "just wait until....." They are so cliche and often patronizing when I am at the other end of them. But here I am saying it to everyone who has babies, "Just WAIT until they start to read!"
Sweet Dick and Jane, like so many boys and girls before him, you are teaching my baby to read! And he doesn't want to stop. He loves your silly stories and repetitions and we are both about bursting with pride these last few days. I am dreaming of him curled in bed with the light on much too late, unable to put down his Hardy Boys mystery or unable to leave Narnia for just ONE more chapter. And the best part is that I am ok with it, loving it in fact! It seems just when I feel sort of misty eyed and sentimental about them getting older, I am greeted with a fabulous new accomplishment that never would happen if they didn't grow. And so, while it's true that time flies, each fleeting stage is replaced with a new one to embrace.
So, while I am excited for the worlds that await my new reader, I am savoring these first new words and discoveries. If Dick and Jane stand for anything, it is joy in the simple things. What could be more cliche than that? ;-)