Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Wonderland

Oh, look!  More SNOW!  What was that I said about losing my mind if we woke up to another winter wonderland?  And it isn't just a little snow.....'s covering everything in sticky, wet icing.

And it really is beautiful.  Really.  But I am still over it.

So, because I want warmth and the smell of mud and a chance to use new Easter rain boots rather than snow boots, I am just going to focus on the positives and the ten day forcast.  I saw a 50 in there somewhere.

  • Tomorrow is a REAL Saturday brunch with some dear ladies I used to work with.  It is the first time I have seen them all together in over a year and the first time they will get to meet Ellerie.  Now I just have to figure out what we'll wear!
  • We have another open house here on Sunday (really I'm over these too) and I am taking the kids down to Uncle Andy and Aunt Amy's new place for the afternoon.  A nice chance to visit and do something different.  
  • Next week Mike will be away for work.  I'm not thrilled about that part, but it does give the boys a chance to stay with his parents for a couple of days.  And I can spend a little time with Ellerie and plan her first birthday party.  I have some ideas floating around in my head......  
I suppose I need to warm up with some coffee and get on to my day.  Crawling under the covers with a good book sounds better, but I can't imagine the kids will take care of themselves....  

1 comment:

beemahoney said...

The Sun'll come out, TOMORROW, ...(I know, the sun has been out, but, you know...)!!