After the "window incident" and before we began yet ANOTHER round of GI virus (I only wish I were kidding), we had a really nice weekend. Saturday was a visit from Nana Sue, Papa Paul and the Great Grandmas, where Mike and I got to go window shopping (literally) and Garden Shopping. This time of year, that is even more fun to me than thrifting. And that is saying something.
It was perfect weather, although probably not hot enough for the naked body parts my sons were sporting.

Man, I need a rope ladder for that tree. Those boys are getting way too big to boost up there.
Ellie enjoyed a little snack in the breezeway while she waiting for the gardening action to begin. (Her headband, btw, is from this pattern. Super easy and possibly addictive to make) The boys were SO keen to help plant THEIR plants. And watering?
Well, that's fun even when you don't manage to get a drop on the actual plants.
We are all very excited about our 8 tomato plants (Cherry, Burpee Big Boy, and Heirloom), Romaine lettuce, Zucchini, Cucumbers, and some herbs. The boys were out last night (after their entire day of tv and computer games while I moaned in bed, sleeping off the fever) already checking on their progress. "Mom! I think the plants have already grown!! They look just a little bigger!"
Those cinder blocks are our next little project. They need to be weeded, filled in with soil and we are planting some Trailing Soapwort seeds to create a nice little flowered border and to help HIDE the ugly cinder blocks.
In spite of the fact that we worked ALL day and only managed this wee garden and some improvement to the patio, I am learning slowly to just embrace these small changes and not to get bogged down emotionally by what is left to do. And, it's hard not to get excited about a little summer salad from our very own garden.