Tuesday, September 15, 2009

From My Bag of Tricks that Don't Work on My Kids

A couple of weeks ago, in anticipation of the start of school and new routines, I made these cool charts for the boys.

Based on something I had seen in Family Fun magazine, I listed out responsibilities for morning and bedtime, left spaces for "write-ins" and covered them in clear contact paper. Then I sat back to bask in my success. My darlings were going to be so excited: their very own place mats, customized lists and a chance to use the DRY ERASE markers! I could see the year stretching out ahead of us in perfect order, my little men contentedly checking off their lists without complaint. ::SIGH:: They were going to LOVE them. And they did!

For about four days.


Melissa Crowe said...

Sounds about right. Nice try, though. ;-)

Nicola said...

LOL. i am SO glad to see you sharing your creative awesomeness and it's lack of success. i see gorgeous ideas like this all over the web, commend the creators, but NEVER try it myself (unless it is for ME), because not many of them go over well, here, either.

those really are cute, though, and something i would be tempted to do myself. i agree...dry erase markers not being a huge hit?!


feather said...

I love that I am not the only mom that fails. (Sorry) it makes me a little happier about myself!

Dana said...

much giggling here. . .

Anna said...

Isn't that the way it goes!!

But I'm still impressed. I've gotta' get the chore thing going again...

Leciawp said...

These are great Elissa! I suggest putting them away for a bit and trying again later. Sorry they didn't go as you had hoped.

UK lass in US said...

We just stick with the old-fashioned method around here: me yelling across the house 'have you got your clothes on yet???'

Maybe I should make one for myself - I almost left without packing a lunch for my son the other day...