This morning I put this handsome boy on the bus again. The first day always seems to give me jitters. Instead of feeling anxious and excited and unsure and happy all at the same time for myself, I now feel that way for them. I stood this morning, my stomach doing flip-flops, praying and hoping for them to be good and be safe and be good friends and to enjoy it all.
And then I stood and had to do it all over again this afternoon. Only this really was the first time for Tate. The first time on a bus, first time really navigating things on his own, first time without me there to remind him and gather up after him. I could tell he was a little nervous, but excited too. He'll be great. And I am not one to get teary over things like this, but my little Pip has just gotten big before my eyes. Suddenly, he's tall. Suddenly, his feet have grown a whole size. Suddenly, he's lost teeth and learned to ride a 2-wheel bike. And suddenly, I just want to scoop him up in my arms and squeeze him.
It's hitting me harder with him, in a way, and I suppose it is because Calvin was my "big boy" when he went to kindergarten and Tate is my little Pippi. My silly, hardheaded, imaginative, sweet "little boy." Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled about their growth and I wouldn't trade it for them staying still. Not ever would I want to hold them back from life. And, I don't think I'll feel this emotional about Ellerie starting preschool next week.
There's just something about that bus.