Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Drama Queen

Thanks for encouraging me to stay. I wouldn't have stopped posting anyway, but it was nice to know I'd be missed. I tend to be a little impulsive at times and just look for a quick fix for my life-is-overwhelmingness. Maybe if I start exercising? Maybe if I start only showering every three days? Maybe if I stop blogging? That sort of thing. I am just not an even-keeled sort of a gal.

The trouble is that I might go along swimmingly for quite some time just DOING as I ought to do. Maybe even as I ought NOT to do. But then I begin THINKING about what I am doing, and I am lost. It is as if my own mind wishes to to snowball my thoughts into the world's biggest mountain from a mole hill and then push me right off the edge. Think I'm being dramatic? Probably am. I have a tendency for that as well. ;-)


Melissa Crowe said...

You're in luck because I only hang out with royalty. So.

Nicola said...

well, jeez, glad to not be the only one who over thinks things. (only i also struggle with indecisiveness after all that thought.)

beemahoney said...

lovey lovey

beemahoney said...

you need a night in Bay world. but after the under 11 crowd has closed their eyes. and you can enjoy a fire with me...soon?

beemahoney said...

I fold. got nothin'.

Anna said...

So...uh...are you suggesting that this behavior isn't normal? 'Cause I relate, without much effort!

Artfulife said...

We all have our days. You are entitled to yours too. I would have missed your posts, so I'm glad to hear your in for the long haul.