Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Baby Gets the Short Stick

I remember my mother telling me the story of the decline of her baby record keeping. How my oldest sister had a baby book with quite a bit filled out. My next sister? A baby book with the newborn stats and not much more. Brother? An envelope with some hair from his first haircut (kind of ironic if you know him) and some things written down. Me? A few random slips of paper with whatever seemed interesting or important at the time.

Now, I THINK I was smart enough to never think that wouldn't be me. I wasn't necessarily on top of a lot of things even with the first one, so by number three just about every "never" or "always" has gone out the window. Did I ever feed them crackers at the grocery before I paid for them? Yes. Have I given in to whining just to shut them up? Yes. Do I still have an almost 5 year old who decides somewhere in the night to come down and crowd me in bed? I am SO SORRY to say yes. Painfully sorry this morning ;-) And coming to a last first with #3, you might think I would be all over trying to make it really special for her and for me because my baby is not such a baby anymore.

Truth is, she lost her tooth over a week ago. The battery on my camera died as I was taking these pics and it has taken me this long to charge it and load the pictures on my computer. And the plastic bag? Yup. That was the glorious thing we threw under her pillow to wait for the tooth fairy. Best of all, I am totally fine with it. Bigger fish to fry with these kids. Bigger fish, indeed.


UK lass in US said...

I never even managed the baby book for my eldest - although I like to think that most of the stuff 'might' be written down somewhere if I look hard enough. I seem to remember writing some stuff on scraps of paper.

I was child #3 - there's about 3 photos of me in my first year, compared to a book full for my brothers...

beemahoney said...

get out! she already lost a tooth!

Ms. G said...

Looks like a perfect program to me! The lady with random plastic sandwich bags sleepily shoved in her dresser drawers and still there 15 years later with no clue which ones came from which kid. You actually remembered to take a picture? You are A Master Mom : )

Nicola said...

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! How can Miss E have already LOST A TOOTH! I busy reeling from my own growing children. I have to pause on to reel over yours! She is such a cutie! How are you, by the way?!

Scented Sweetpeas said...

I know what you mean, I have found baby number 2 (well not so baby now as she is 9) was the one who got lost in my memory keeping system :-( Luckily baby 3 came along with a nice age gap so it is like baby number 1 all over again :-)

Jen said...

How is it possible that she lost a tooth already?! Um.. did I blink and miss a couple years? Oh, and what ARE you supposed to put the teeth in? Also, the little girl I work with lost her tooth and got $4! Is that what you are supposed to pay per tooth these days?!

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Baby Gets the Short Stick
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