Friday, December 18, 2009

Sleeping with the Sheep

Here is my little shepherd. We weren't sure he was going to get up there, but he did. Even managed a few bits of songs and some motions, although I have several minutes of shepherd video where at least 4 of them are just standing there doing there own thing while you can hear all the little angels (girls) singing away!

Oh, Pip. We're proud of you anyway... even if your motivation was telling Ellie-Belle that she couldn't sing with you because it was YOUR program.

It was.


Artfulife said...

Oh my goodness! They look so cute. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

feather said...

you know what they say...
thank heaven for little boys!

on a side note. you are a HOT elf! great show, elissa. i did that a few years back. i was actually thinking about those elves the other day, wondering if they were still around. they've learned some new moves since i saw them and now you can download them! way cool. thanks for sharing. that'd make a great post...

Nicola said...

oh so cute. look how long his hair is looking and so curly cute.
and i love ellie's face back at him!

beemahoney said...

that is an adorable picture! and Polly has the same shirt that Ellie is wearing. was this a preschool production?