Thursday, August 27, 2009

Last Day Fimming

We hit Aunt Kathy's pool the other day for what I imagine is the last time this summer.

The nights are colder now and some leaves are already changing around here. Seems in some ways like we never really got a proper summer, but time goes forward and seasons change. I feel autumn coming and it's okay. A new time is sometimes like a breath of fresh air: like peeling off your winter coat for the first time, or sliding jeans over tanned, summer legs.

Today I am taking some other deep breaths and trying to dive back into my tag sale sewing. It has been waiting so patiently for me and I think, in spite of my initial excitement, that I have been subconsciously avoiding it because I am nervous. But the kids are taking a long weekend at Nana Sue and Papa Paul's and I have two whole days to myself while Mike is at work. It would seem that I need to take advantage, so instead of cleaning my car (horribly gross) or sorting the basement (horribly jumbly and the boiler man is coming Monday) or sorting and weeding out the kids' stuff (I like to pitch things when they are away... ssshhh!), I am throwing on Summer's playlist and then Dana's and maybe my own and I am going to make something.

::deep breath::


Melissa Crowe said...

Two whole days?! Have fun, my dear!

This time I think my word verification is too dirty even to mention. Whew.

Nicola said...

you go girl!
enjoy the project time on your own.
and my car. it was gross, then finn dumped an entire container of Os over it in a perfect spray. i am avoid it all together. (so unlike me.)

beemahoney said...

oh Liss! I want your in laws to take my children for a long weekend too. even a day would be good. I'm so happy for you to have a little time - even though you'll blink and it will be over *)